In Support of National Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness

The day with the most light is the day we fight! This powerful notion shared by the Alzheimer’s Association is in recognition of “The Longest Day”, the organization’s way of fighting the darkness of Alzheimer’s with a dedicated day of fundraising on June 20, the summer solstice. It also is part of National Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness month, which aims to raise awareness in order to inspire action. But, really, the phrase applies every day as so many of us have known someone who lives with Alzheimer’s and other dementias and who struggles to keep a light on and prevent the inevitable fading memories and functioning. 

I think of a cousin and a close friend whose spouses began showing early signs of Alzheimer’s in their late 50s and early 60s until they were no longer the people we knew, yet a certain essence remained. I watched the decline of my favorite uncle who spent his last year in a nursing home as his wife of 60 years simply couldn’t care for him any longer, much to her deep distress. Watching the struggle and courage of these individuals and the devotion and selflessness of their loving caregivers, sometimes for years, is inspiring, but heartbreaking.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disease and the most common form of dementia. Dementia is not a specific disease. It's an overall term that describes a group of symptoms.

Know the 10 early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s*

The Alzheimer’s Association describes 10 warning signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s and encourages you not to ignore them if you experience them yourself, or observe them in a family member or friend. Talk with a healthcare professional to learn about treatments that may provide some relief of some symptoms with early detection.

  1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life, unlike forgetting a name but remembering it later

  2. Challenges in planning or solving problems

  3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks, such as forgetting how to drive somewhere familiar

  4. Confusion with time or place

  5. Struggling to understand visual images and spatial relationships

  6. Problems with words in speaking or writing

  7. Misplacing things and not having the ability to retrace steps to find them

  8. Decreased or poor judgment

  9. Withdrawal from work or social activities

  10. Changes in mood or personality, beyond typical age-related changes, such as irritability when a routine is disrupted 

*10 early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s Association.

In recognition of National Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, Artcraft Health commits to educating ourselves and others about this disease that mercilessly changes the lives of so many people and those who care for them. We honor the scientists and researchers who conduct clinical research for improved therapies and the next generation of treatments, as well as the volunteers and their families who participate in research studies. We also support the dedicated healthcare professionals who provide the treatments, care, and hope for patients and their loved ones. 

Artcraft Health is a hybrid agency delivering both patient engagement and education strategies, and innovative solutions across all media channels. We help patients, healthcare providers, and all relevant stakeholders develop the skills, knowledge, and motivation they need to understand and communicate their diagnosis, initiate and adhere to their treatment, and experience the best possible outcomes. We specialize in four areas: clinical trials, promotional education, hospitals, and demo devices.

Lisa Moss Calderwood
Vice President and Copy Director
Artcraft Health


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