Spring Is Here, and It’s the Perfect Time to Detoxify the Body and Mind

Steps to gently detoxify the body

Drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning to start the detoxification process. Lemons are packed with antioxidants and electrolytes. Drinking lemon water can stimulate digestion, jumpstart your digestive enzymes, and give your body a boost of vitamin C.

Dry brush your skin with a body brush or dry towel to improve circulation and support detoxification. Before showering, lightly brush your skin in long strokes, from the extremities toward the heart. Follow by moisturizing with coconut oil or another natural moisturizer.

Scrape your tongue in the morning, before brushing your teeth. Tongue scraping removes the toxins that normally accumulate on your tongue overnight. Use a tongue scraper or spoon and gently scrape from back to front, removing any film or buildup that is present. Tongue scraping helps to detoxify the body and improves oral hygiene and overall health.

Practice daily self-care by drinking plenty of water, eating whole fresh foods, being active, getting adequate amounts of quality sleep, limiting alcohol, sugar, and processed foods, and eliminating tobacco products. You may also enjoy being outside and in nature, spending time with family and friends, and taking warm baths and long walks.


Steps to gently detoxify the mind

Pay attention to your thoughts and guide your thinking. The first step is awareness. Start by paying attention to your thoughts. If you engage in negative or destructive thinking or self-talk, you can reroute it to be more positive, action oriented, and constructive.

Notice how you feel around the people, media outlets, and environments that you surround yourself with. Do they make you feel energized or depleted? Are they positive or negative influences? Look for patterns and make any changes that are needed to help you improve your life.

Say yes to you and what you want in your life. Make plans with people who you enjoy being around and schedule activities that you would be excited about and look forward to doing. Give yourself permission to say no to people that bring your energy down and activities that routinely feel like obligations.

Practice daily self-care by cleansing the mind of constant chatter, focusing on what’s most important in your life, taking breaks from technology, limiting stress and negative self-talk, and eliminating toxic relationships. You may also enjoy journaling, meditation, reading for pleasure, challenging your mind with puzzles and games, and learning something new.


Best wishes for a happy and healthy spring!

Written by Linda Lipp, Senior Medical Writer

Linda Lipp is a senior medical writer at Artcraft Health. She is also a Certified Holistic Health Coach with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Linda has helped craft content for a variety of clients in the pharmaceutical, clinical trial, medical device, and patient education industries. She is passionate about science, education, wellness, nutrition, and the great outdoors.


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